Wednesday 25 June 2008

It's been a desire of mine to write the great British novel since I was old enough to hold a pen. And I would have done it a long time ago, be it not for distractions like Sky television, the internet and video games.
I'm happy to say I've finally started jotting ideas down, stretching them out, scrunching them up. I don't expect for a second to become a published authour, it's more a project whereby I write something that I would write if I was going to do something like this full time: going through the motions of writing a book, testing the water, seeing exactly what it's like to be a writer of books.

I'm under no illusions that I'm the next Oscar Wilde, but I'll show it to friends if and when I have something on paper that I'm sort of proud of. The prospect just seems fun. I thought that it would be nice to try to map out here what I feel are my influences and inspirations at this moment in time, taken from various mediums. Pieces of the things I love that I hope will make it into the book.

The setting is going to be what I'm calling ULTRA REALISM. There here and the now, set in the middle England I've always known. The old disclaimer that 'the book is entirely ficticious and any resemblence made to any person, living or dead is entirely coincidental' applies but the book could be set anywhere you know, it features the brands we're familiar with, it's inhabited by the famous figures we love and hate. I want it to be like the British television sitcom PEEP SHOW. I want the book to be something of a proverbial time capsule filled with everything that makes up June 25th. 2008. Similarly, I want the book's protagonist to narrate in the vain of Peep Show's two main characters Jeremy and Mark, particularly the latter. The character has to be something of a MISFIT, a PESSIMIST. This is a line of thinking I can sort to relate to.

I have a plot outline, but it needs a lot of development, which is where I'm at currently. I plan to update later with a few more details. Until then I'll sit with a notebook and shape, scrunch and scrape.